Supplement. Activate. Revitalize.


The Client

Pharmanaut Labs, based in Silicon Valley, pushes the boundaries of performance and productivity in gamers using their line of health supplements. After years of research, Pharmanaut Labs created a supplement that allows esports competitors to stay focused for hours at a time without risking their short and long-term health. Pharmanaut Labs supplements are designed to make the user focus, think quicker, and follow tactical decision making.


The Creative

Mish Creative was given the task of creating Pharmanaut Labs full company branding and packaging design. This included a logo mascot in various forms. We were given 3 goals in this creative project. Pharmanaut wanted to look modern, appeal to the gamer sect and use outer space/astronauts. With that we created the illustrated mascot, used bright colors against black for pop just like video screen glow in a dark room and created easy to read packaging that stood out from the heavy use of white bottles by competitors in the market.